No. PlagScan also searches .pdf and other document files which are accessible online as well as anything you submit to your account or organization repository. Additionally, documents from cooperating publishers, which cannot be found online or are locked behind a paywall are included in the analysis. Optionally, we compare your text with documents in our Plagiarism Prevention Pool, which includes billions of online sources.

PlagScan highlights matches between documents directly in your document as well as in the sources. We provide you with different kinds of plagiarism reports:

  • PlagLevel - The most basic report type. The PlagLevel is a percentage that indicates what proportion of your text has been found in other documents.
  • Interactive online report - Viewable directly in the browser. You can interactively jump to all matches and potential sources. You can edit and comment the report, save your work, and share it with your colleagues.
  • List report - A summary, where all matches are listed by sources.
  • .docx report - Highlights matches directly in the text by generating an MS Word Document with the plagiarized content highlighted (currently this option is only available for documents with less than 10 MB and no more than 100,000 words).

You can use the function auto-refill on your billing section in your administration area to refill your credits before the end of the month or your subscription period. Our system will start the new month immediately: Your credits will be recharged and the validity of the credits will be updated automatically.

Yes. If you would like to check documents that require an NDA, need to be kept confidential or you want to keep secret for another reason, we provide organizations with the option to mark documents as private (via the padlock button  in your document manager). Private documents can be checked but will not be checked against. The document can not be put into the organization’s repository and will not be part of the PlagScan Plagiarism Prevention Pool. After you checked your document you can delete it. It will be gone forever and not remain on our servers.

Documents of single users are likewise private by default, with the difference that they always can be checked against within this one account.

Among other functionalities, the submission manager can set deadlines, create notifications and restrict report sharing with the person, who submitted the work. Therefore, we recommend getting in touch with the submission manager to find out whether a setting was enabled with the submission that left you with no feedback.

You can very easily upload several documents by holding your keyboard's CTRL key while selecting the files you wish to upload. Additionally, you can upload .zip-archives. Documents within the .zip-archive will automatically be labeled according to the .zip archive name. In order to see those labels activate the advanced user interface within the settings.

The customized PlagScan portal is the individual access portal for your organization. All organization users log into via this page and can see the administrator's notifications. Also, third party users like students and authors upload their documents to the account through the portal by using codes generated by the organization users (for a more detailed explanation read more about submissions). Third party users may also precheck their documents if granted by the organization.

Yes. If your institution has an archive of digital documents available which you want to import into your PlagScan repository in a quick and easy manner, we can provide you with a script for automated batch document upload. Please contact your account manager or email us at for further details.

If you are using an older version of Microsoft Word, please consider installing a Microsoft update. This ensures making older Word versions fully .docx document compatible.

Yes. Simply select the desired documents and press check at the upper right corner. You can also select all documents with the same label at once. Your documents will always be checked one at a time in order to account for collusion. For uploads containing several documents, PlagScan waits with the start of the first plagiarism analysis until each document upload has been completed and is available in the database.