Your Plagiarism-Checking Solution
If you work for a governmental institution or an umbrella organization, our standard plans may very well not be suitable for you. So, contact PlagScan today, and we'll work with you to design a custom plan for your organization. The first step will be to answer the following questions:
- Do you represent any other organizations? If yes, which ones?
- Roughly how many documents (or different types of documents) will you need to analyze?
- What is the average word length of those documents?
- Are you interested in integrating PlagScan into an existing system, such as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Content Management System (CMS)? If yes, which system do you use?
We are looking forward to hearing from you. We would be happy to discuss your inquiry over the phone if you like!
Here is our phone number: Localized Phone
You can also leave us a message and let us know when and how it would be best to contact you.