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To check a document for plagiarism you have to register to PlagScan. Create a private account for yourself or get an organizational account if you represent a university, school or business. Alternatively, you can register with your social media account.

Check & Analysis

Click on Start check next to the doc­u­ment. To check mul­ti­ple doc­u­ments at once, check the box be­fore each doc­u­ment and then click Check. The Analysis usually takes only a few minutes. Af­ter PlagScan has fin­ished the analy­sis of the doc­u­ment, a pla­gia­rism re­port will be sub­mit­ted to you. 


Click on File up­load to se­lect files. To up­load sev­eral doc­u­ments at once, se­lect them while hold­ing Ctrl or Com­mand. To se­lect all doc­u­ments in a folder press Ctrl+A or Com­mand+A. You can also drag and drop doc­u­ments to the doc­u­ment area, paste text or use web im­port. The max­i­mum up­load size is 100 MB per up­load.

Plagiarism Bar

An overview of all sus­pi­cious pas­sages is listed in the Plag­Bar. The po­si­tion of the matching text passages is vi­su­al­ized with ver­ti­cal red stripes in this overview. To jump to the cor­re­spond­ing page within the doc­u­ment, just click on the Plag­Bar.

Plagiarism Level

The Pla­gLevel is the first and fastest im­pres­sion you get af­ter the analy­sis. It in­di­cates how much text within the doc­u­ment has been matched with an­other source. The per­cent­age is the re­sult of the scan, which must now be in­ter­preted/​​eval­u­ated by a hu­man. 


The source list gives you an overview of all sources of matches with pos­si­ble pla­gia­rism within the text. For a direct comparison between the source and your document, we recommend that you use the Highlight matches in source list function.


Col­ored high­light­ing is used to il­lus­trate pos­si­ble pla­gia­rism and quo­ta­tions: Red in­di­cates 1:1 matches be­tween a source and the an­a­lyzed doc­u­ment, blue in­di­cates po­ten­tially al­tered text and green in­di­cates cor­rect ci­ta­tions. You have the power to edit the find­ing by re­moving the mark­ing or mark­ing it as cor­rectly quoted.