Add by file
If you have a spreadsheet file (csv, xls, xls, xlsx, ods) that contains a column of emails for the people you want to invite, you can upload this file here. It doesn't matter if you have more columns in it, only a correct email is required.
Click on Add by file to open this option.
Click Select on the right side of the input field.
Choose your spreadsheet file from your computer and click Open. The filename now shows in the field.
If your file contains headline rows, like Email, First Name, etc., check the checkbox First row contains headlines below the select field. The content of these header columns then will not be treated as a user.
Click Upload list.
Choose the column that corresponds to the data (Email, First name, Last name). Other columns will be ignored. Only the email field is required, so it does not matter if you don’t have columns for first name or last name, just leave the -- hyphens for empty columns.
Click Add Participants to save the list of participants in your Assignment without sending an invitation. You can come back later and send the invitation email to all of them with the bulk action Invite selected participants above the list.
Click Add & send invites to save the list of participants in your Assignment and immediately send an invitation email. The invitation email will contain a link to the Assignment, or a link to sign up in case the invited participant is not registered at PlagScan yet (and your organization requires an account to submit to an Assignment).