Share your Assignment

Share plagiarism reports from Assignments with colleagues. If you want to either delegate the reviewing task to someone else in your organization, or simply want others to view, comment on, or edit reports then this is the option for you to do so.

When you share an Assignment with users, they will receive an email notification. The Assignment will be shown directly in their Assignment area. They will not be able to edit the Assignment.

In the Share popup window, you will also find an overview of all users which currently have personalized share access to the report, including how they can access the reports (view/comment/edit) and the option to delete () a share permission.

  1. Click the Share icon on the top right side of your Assignment to open the Share popup.

  2. To share reports in your Assignment with specific users, click on the input field below Search user. Start typing a name. A list of users will show up. Select a user from this list. Optionally, check the option to include a Personal message and type a message. The message will be included in the notification email.

  3. Click on Can view on the right side of the field to choose the rights that the user will get for your reports:

    1. Can view: Users can only view the report, but not comment or edit it.

    2. Can comment: Users can add comments to the report. They will only be able to delete their own comments.

    3. Can edit: Users will be able to remove markings, mark found exact matches as citations and deselect sources.
      These modes only apply to the reports and not the whole Assignment.

  4. Click on Share. This will give them access to the assignment and send the email with a link to the Assignment.

    Note that the user must be a registered PlagScan member of your organization.

  5. If you want to change the share mode for a specific user, you can do that right next to the username in the list Shared with. Simply move your mouse over the icon that resembles the share mode ( eye for view,  speech-bubble for comment and  pencil for edit), and then choose a different mode.

  6. To remove the share access, click the on the right side of the user row.