PlagLevel: The PlagLevel indicates the percentage of potential plagiarism within your document.
A high PlagLevel doesn’t automatically mean plagiarism though. Please examine the results and their sources closely in order to verify.
Plagbar: All suspected plagiarism passages are listed here.

Source List
You can find all sources that have been matched with the potentially plagiarized passages. Depending on the report results and settings, you will only see relevant symbols for your particular report.
Detailed information for the different types of sources can be found at The Plagiarism Report - Advanced Options > Origin of Sources
Document Interface
The analyzed text is the focus of the plagiarism report. The format and all graphics remain unchanged if you use a Word document.
Use the arrow keys in the footer to browse through your document. For bigger documents you can also use the Plagbar to locate suspicious passages.
Increase or reduce the viewing size of your document
The colored highlights refer to the sources of the source list.
Red: Exact matches with the sources.
Blue: Matches that may have been paraphrased.
Green: Matches that PlagScan acknowledges as quotes.