Report - Advanced Options

Different Views and Formats

PlagScan’s plagiarism report can be viewed in four different formats. You can find them in the right upper corner of the report:

 View as a List:

This view contains a complete overview of the matches and sources of the document.

 Show text-only version (View within text):

A simple format of the report, which works best for slow network connections.

 Download as PDF:

Receive a PDF version of the report, which indicates the sources of the matches at top of the document.

 Word Document (docx) with annotations:

Download the report as a Word document, containing sources on the side of the text via the commenting function.


This format is beneficial if you uploaded your document as a Word file already.

 Original Document

Download the original document before it's checked for plagiarism.


Share your results with your entire organization or with specific colleagues by sending them a link that accesses the report.

As document owner, you can allow the other users to make modifications to a report. When you click on the Share button  , a popup dialog window opens. In that window, you can search by username or email address of the user you want to share your document with. You can also simply copy the link to share to your report and share it with people without PlagScan account.

On the right side of the search box, you will find two icons (select the desired option by clicking on the drop-down menu).

  • If you want to allow the other user only to view the report, click on the icon in a form of an eye  .
  • If you want the other user to be able to edit the report as well, click on the icon in a form of a pencil  .

In the share popup window, you will also find an overview of all users which currently have personalized share access to the document, including the mode (view/edit) and the option to delete (x) a share permission.

Source List

The source list provides you with an overview of all source-matches to potential plagiarism within your text.

You can jump chronologically from one match to the next by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. This way, you can navigate through the report efficiently.

Origin of Sources

You can find the following symbols at the top of your source list. These symbols help you to organize sources according to their origin.

We provide you with some different views of the plagiarism report:

 All Sources: Shows matches from all sources.

 Top three: Shows only the sources with the most matches.

 Internet Sources: Shows matches from all online sources.

 Publisher Sources: Shows matches from sources of cooperating publishers. (PlagScan PRO exclusive.)

 Own documents: Shows matches within your own documents.

 Organization Archive: Shows all matches within your organization.* (PlagScan PRO exclusive.)

 Plagiarism Prevention Pool: Shows matches within the Plagiarism Prevention Pool.

* You have to activate this option beforehand (see How to customize Settings for the Plagiarism Check under Data policy)

The Plus Sign 

The plus sign  indicates that PlagScan has found clones of a source (with the exact same match). PlagScan groups these clones and hides them initially.
Click the plus sign  to view the sources.

Highlight matches in source

Click on Highlight match in source in order to highlight the matches in the original document. The highlighted passage will be marked in a different color, which helps you find it quickly.

Use the  next match sign to highlight the next match.

To view exclusive sources, you need the original author's or publisher's permission.

Highlights in the Report

PlagScan uses colored highlighting to illustrate potential plagiarism and citations.

The highlighted passages are displayed along with the relevant matches from the Source List. For example, if you click on a red passage, you will notice that the matching source is also highlighted.

There are three different colors for the sources:


Exact matches with the sources.


Matches that may have been paraphrased.


Matches that PlagScan acknowledged as quotes.

Edit Highlighting

There are multiple ways for you to edit highlighting within the report.

Remove Red Highlighting

If you disagree with the suggested red highlights, you can easily remove them:

  1. Select the red text passage.
  2. Click on Remove marking in the upper blue bar.
  3. Confirm your changes by clicking on Save changes.

The match remains listed in the source list but will not influence the PlagLevel.

Whether or not text has been plagiarized can only be decided by you or the person who is reviewing the report. PlagScan simply points out the similarities between the document and the sources found. In case of doubt, a manual comparison is indispensable.

Define Highlights as Quotes

Follow these steps to identify a properly cited text passage:

  1. Select the passage.
  2. Click on Citation in the upper blue bar.
  3. The selected text is now highlighted in green.
  4. Confirm your changes by clicking on Save changes.

Depending on your Settings (under ‘Advanced options' > Citation detection), green passages might not influence your PlagLevel.


Leaving comments gives you the opportunity to collaborate inside the report with students or peers. You can also respond to comments after reading them.

Add comments:

  • Select the text you want to comment on.
  • When the text is selected click on the speech bubble   in order to add a comment. You will see a little window on the right side.
  • Write the comment. The document owner will be able to reply to it.


Edit, close or delete the comment - in the top right corner of the comment window.

  • Click inside the comment line to edit it.
  • Click on the “x” to close the window.


Note: After closing the comment, it will appear as a speech bubble on the right side of the text. By clicking on it, you will be able to see the comment again.

  • Click on the trash can   to delete the comment.


See previous comments

You will have the possibility to view others’ comments:

  • As a sidebar by clicking on the comments button: A comment history appears on the right side next to the text. This way, you can read all previous comments on the report.
  • By clicking on the comment icon   inside the text: You can view one comment at a time. This comment corresponds to the highlighted match. The user can drag and drop the dialog box into the report interface.


Note: Click on the trash can icon to delete all comments for the same passage.